Recently, ChatGPT has become one of the tools I use on a daily basis. While it’s important to discern its usefulness and limitations, as Bill Gates stated, “they aren’t necessarily good at understanding the context for a human’s request,”(*1) it definitely provides a systematic organization of information and significantly reduces the workload in coding. Its interface is particularly outstanding (Am I the only one who finds it difficult to use the moment it’s taken into Bing? ^^;)
Some people view privacy policy as an attempt to find something wrong, but I think it’s important to start experimenting. “To wait to start experimenting is a mistake,” said Ethan Mollick, an associate professor of management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
As technology evolves, the importance of Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) comes to mind.

EQ was first introduced in 1989 by Dr. Peter Salovey at Yale University and Dr. John Mayer at the University of New Hampshire. Later on, Daniel Goleman, a psychology PhD, popularized the concept with his book “Emotional Intelligence” in 1995. Goleman divided EQ into five abilities. I think it can be simplified into two abilities: the ability to deal with one’s own feelings and the interpersonal ability to communicate while dealing with the feelings of others.
For example, if you don’t have the ability to withstand the pressure and stress of work, you won’t be able to move, no matter how great tools you have.
And work is not something that you run from start to finish by yourself.Many people are involved in each process and lead one thing to completion. In order to smoothly and efficiently structure the process involving human intervention, it is necessary to have the ability to create relationships between people, prevent unnecessary friction, and maintain good human relationships. Additionally, one must revitalize the organization and motivate people. To further improve the abilities of those with high IQ, it’s important to secure those with high EQ.
As we hear more often that “jobs will be replaced by AI,” the development of AI naturally renders jobs that rely solely on IQ inadequate. On the other hand, EQ (Emotional Intelligence) contains elements that cannot be substituted by AI. The ability required of future leaders is to bring out others’ expertise, knowledge, networks, ideas, etc. and to promote them while envisioning the future. Therefore, leaders will increasingly require the power of EQ in the future.
Fortunately, while IQ is considered an innate ability, EQ is said to be a learned skill and can be developed by oneself. With the current buzz around technological innovations like ChatGPT and massive layoffs, it is important for both individuals and organizations to re-examine their people-centered approaches and value humanity.
This is not to say that employees who have been working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic should simply be brought back to the office (^-^)
(*1)Gates Notes : The Age of AI has begun