Recently, I often hear that my colleagues around me are busy. It’s a story you hear at any time. Personally, I think it’s better to be a little busy than very free, but too busy is also not good.
Busy men usually say they can’t finish a work easily. They think they work appropriately, report to managers, and make proposals to those around them, but they can’t get approval.
I think one thing, is the setting problem right?
I often feel that Some people think a lot about how to solve, but there are not many people that analyze whether the problem you set is appropriate. No matter how much you think it is an appropriate solution for the problem yourself, if the problem you set is wrong in the first place, it does’t make you lead to an appropriate solution. One of reasons, you have a strong linear awareness of issues and do not see things from multiple angles? I often feel.
This is so-called reframing.
Reframing is “to change the way something is expressed or considered” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. Reframing is often explained on Japanese sites as turning weaknesses into strengths. It is the story of the application of reframing to psychology.
I think that Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg’s “The SLOW ELEVATOR PROBLEM” is famous for reframing the problem setting.

I don’t think the solution to slow elevators is the wrong solution. He also says “These solutions might work”. However it is not best solution. When you solve a hard problem, you have to stop looking for solutions it and you must turn your attention to the problem itself. By doing so, you can get “a much more elegant solution”
Finding the real problem can sometimes be difficult and sometimes requires experience, but I think you can work efficiently by approaching your daily work with this way of thinking.

Let’s begin reframing.